Choosing the right miner fee profile


Staff member
Samourai Wallet provides users with dynamic fee profiles based on current network conditions. From the send screen you are able to modify the fee profile used on a per-transaction basis using the fee slider. The fee slider features three different priority 'profiles', and these are based on how quickly you need the transaction to be added to a block. In bitcoin a block is usually produced roughly every 10 minutes.

Low Fee Profile​

This profile aims to have your transaction confirmed within the next 1-24 blocks

Normal Fee Profile​

This profile aims to have your transaction confirmed within the next 1-3 blocks

Urgent Fee Profile​

This profile aims to have your transaction confirmed in the next 1-2 blocks.

Tap to choose your preferred fee profile​

By default Samourai Wallet transactions are set to follow a Normal fee policy. On the Send Screen, you can fine-tune and adjust your fee using the fee slider.
You will be prompted to review the miner fee once you press the green send button.
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