Frequently asked questions about Samourai Wallet


Staff member

When I scan the QR for my receive address in another app, I see an error message.​

If you attempt to scan the QR code for one of your Samourai wallet's receive addresses via a third-party service and see an error message, then the service you are using may not yet support bech32/Native Segwit addresses yet.

As of update 0.99.81 to Samourai, bech32 addresses are now the default address type used by the wallet. If you require another address type, they are still available via the advanced options on the Receive screen.

To change your receive address type to Segwit Compatibility or Legacy, simply tap the gearbox/settings icon at the bottom of the Receive screen in Samourai, and adjust your address type accordingly.


Staff member
The following FAQs were put together by Samourai Telegram admin, Furkan to help answer common questions in the telegram group.

Q: why is your wallet in alpha?

A: As soon as dojo pairing is available it will be out of alpha

Q: wtf is Dojo?

A: Dojo is the name of the backend that samourai uses also the name of the "red" nodl box

Q: well where can i download the wallet for ios?

A: you cant, ios is not available and wont anytime soon

Q: oh that sucks, can you tell me what whirlpool is?

A: whirlpool is the samourai implementation of coinjoin

Q: what is coinjoin?

A: its a transaction where people contribute inputs and outputs, it helps to break chain analysis tools, gives you privacy and makes the bitcoin ecosystem more fungible

Q: you talk about post-mix and #cahoots what are those ?

A: after doing coinjoin transactions its important to not merge non-coinjoined bitcoins with coinjoined ones that's where #cahoots will help, #cahoots is the general name of the available post-mix methods that samourai has

Q: what are those post-mix methods?

A: there are 3 methods;

stonewall: its a basic transactions that looks like a mini-coinjoin in the blockchain

stonewallx2: its a real mini-coinjoin where your friend provides you inputs

stowaway: its a special transaction which looks like a normal transaction but actually is a mini-coinjoin between you and your friend where the real transacted amount is obfuscated in the blockchain

Q: does the ricochet feature also improves my privacy?

A: not exactly, exchanges can sometimes blacklist or "freeze" your bitcoins when they see a coinjoin in your transactions history, Ricochet aims to solve these problems by putting distance between you and your exchange. there is also staggered ricochet which leaves better fingerprint and looks more realistic in the blockchain (it takes longer than the normal ricochet) its advised to use ricochet when you send bitcoin to your exchange

Q: thank you, last question is what the hell paynyms are?

A: PayNym is what samourai calls it, in reality they are payment codes (BIP47) which are awesome for privacy. imagine you share an address with public and nobody can lookup the balance of it from the blockchain, you dont have to imagine you can start to use them today
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Staff member

My wallet / balance / transactions won't load​

If your balance is incorrect and/or transactions aren't displaying the most common reason is a network failure.

Check Tor:​

If you previously enabled Tor on your wallet, make sure that Tor is connected and is not being blocked by your network. You may also wish to try getting a new identity via the "New Identity" button in Notifications Bar at the top of your screen, and/or by toggling Tor OFF/ON via the Networking screen in Samourai.

Check VPN:​

If you are using a VPN, make sure your VPN is correctly configured and not blocking traffic.

Check Data Connection:​

Try toggling your Data Connection OFF and then back ON via the Networking screen in Samourai, and then refreshing your balance.

Contact Support:​

If after checking all of the above you are still unable to load your balance & transaction history, please contact us for additional support. You can contact support via this site using the blue chat icon labeled "...." at the bottom of this screen, or by email at


Staff member

Is segwit supported?​

Samourai fully supports segwit, Segregated Witness. The wallet by default has segwit enabled with native segwit addresses (BIP84/bech32) displayed.

You can optionally enable Segwit Compatibility (BIP49) addresses, or Legacy (BIP44) addresses on an on-demand basis.
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Staff member

Can I buy BTC with Samourai Wallet?​

Samourai is software designed to store and secure the BTC you already have.


Staff member

What are the Android permissions Samourai makes use of?​

You may be wondering why the Samourai Wallet app available from Google Play needs a certain permission. This article will try to explain what each permission is needed for and what exactly Samourai is doing once you give permission.


This permission is required if you make use of our remote commands functionality. This permission allows Samourai to scan incoming SMS messages for your remote command. Remote commands are turned off by default, and this permissions will not be used unless you turn remote commands on.


This permission is required if you make use of the Stealth Mode feature. When Stealth Mode is enabled by the user, Samourai is hidden from the phone and the user must use the default phone dialer to launch Samourai. Stealth Mode is disabled by default, and this permission will not be used unless you turn on Stealth Mode.


This permission is save an encrypted backup of your wallet on your device. This encrypted backup is used to restore your wallet and all associated metadata. Samourai saves this encrypted backup to your device filesystem by default. You may disable this functionality in the settings if you wish to prevent Samourai from using this permission, though it is highly discouraged.


This permission is required to use the device camera for scanning QR codes. This is a required permission
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Staff member

Can I reuse a bitcoin address from my wallet?​

Yes. The addresses that your wallet generates can be reused as many times as you want, but it is considered a privacy risk. You should try to avoid this behavior whenever possible to maximize your privacy.
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